Monday, January 23, 2012

Trip Report / Moonflower Buttress

It's not that we're the sort who make promises and fail to keep them: there really is a detailed trip report (with photos) forthcoming.  The AAC is apparently doing a blog post about our trip, and that's making me feel fairly guilty about never posting writing the report for this blog.  It's possible also that I'm a bit embarrassed about my photos - it was very cold, and I didn't get the really good shots that I expect of myself, and which I am proud to show off.  Anyway.

What's next for Max and me?  We think Moonflower Buttress, 2013.  It's nicely low-altitude, compared to the Cassin, and we found that altitude turns Type II fun to Type 0 fun pretty damn fast.  Also next time we're bringing a posse.  Who's with us for Alaska Range 2013??