Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gorillas in the Mist (WI6 M6)

Earlier this winter we had a go at Gorillas in the Mist, the Jeff Lowe classic on Poke-O-Moonshine.  It's only been climbed twice (by Jeff Lowe and Ed Palen, and again the next day by Alex Lowe and Randy Rackliffe).  So it was a bit arrogant to think we could follow such an illustrious group.  But conditions seemed promising - after all, Matt Horner, Matt McCormick and Bayard Russell had just put up a variation, Endangered Species (NEI5+ M6+ R), so we thought there might just be enough ice to climb.  There wasn't.  It may not have been our finest hour, but I'm sure glad we tried.  Below is the video I made.

(I would like to note that this is my first attempt at video editing and a lot of the transitions are there simply so I could practice syncing them with music.  It's a little goofy.  Enjoy.)