Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fitness Update #1

1.  Fuck! Max messed himself up and will barely be back for the waterfall ice season.  What the fuck was he thinking, playing rugby?  If we were on the same coast, I'd probably break his other collarbone.

2.  I'm not so fit myself.  A summer of backpacking and a Sept. of bumming around and sailing hasn't done much for my fitness level.  There were two brief forays up Grand Teton, one successful and one not (see video-it should be noted that we had no ice pro with us), but those hardly count for much.  Here's where I am:

Pull-ups: 11 (1st set only)
Miles able to run: 0
Pushups: 25
Resting HR: 74 (up from about 58 earlier this summer)
Weight: 163

It's a pretty sorry state, I'll be the first to admit.

- Jacon

1 comment:

  1. Jacon & Max this is an awesome blog! I wish you guys a ton of luck!
