Monday, October 4, 2010

HTML and Other Headaches of the Blogosphere

Encouraged by friends who say they're adding this thing to their Google Reader (yikes!), I've decided to start updating a bit more often.  Also because we got our first comment, and it was positive (thanks Libby!).
So for those of you considering starting blogs - to help raise money for a trip, to keep your friends in the loop, or just because you're kind of tacky and haven't heard of Twitter - be aware that it comes with certain obligations.

One of which, I discovered the other day, is teaching yourself HTML.  It turns out that embedding video that is a. high quality, b. centered, c. has a splash screen d. autobuffers but doesn't autoload e. etc. etc. is REALLY DIFFICULT.  Perfectionism is a desirable quality in an alpinist,  I think, but by nature of the game it's never really possible.  At some point things have to be "good enough."  Not so with HTML.  With HTML it has to be perfect or it doesn't work at all.  

In case you haven't gotten the picture by now, it took me approximately six hours the other day to post that video.  Fortunately I saved the code, so it should be easier in the future.  But aspiring bloggers, beware!


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