Monday, February 21, 2011


Mindbender is the middle line
One of the nice things about Mindbender is that you can sing it to the tune of "Goldfinger" as you climb.  In your head, hopefully.

Max was working so I headed up to the Lake on Saturday with Jared Streeto, who had never climbed ice before.  We sought refuge from the high winds in the Mindbender amphitheater, which is a bit sheltered, and had a go at Mindbender herself.  She was in full WI5+ conditions - very mushroomed, which makes it difficult to find placements for ice screws and also makes the whole thing feel overhanging.

Jared was pretty pumped at the top of the first pitch and dropped a tool, so we retreated.  Still a great day.

Jared just before he dropped a tool


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