Monday, April 4, 2011

The Food Nightmare

Bfast Bagels hash browns granola cereal pancake mix bacon powdered milk butter Dinner Pasta (variety) instant beans instant lentils falafel mix potato pearls rice tortillas quinoa sausage ground beef dried vegetables ramen Trail Mixes (x 3 or 4) nutes dried fruit cookies crackers candy Cheese 'nuff said Spices et al. Hot sauce yeast bouillon cubes salt chili powder curry powder garlic powder cinnamon italian baking soda cumin cayenne ginger soy sauce vanilla oil vinegar Baking white flour wheat flour corn meal brown sugar powdered eggs cake mixes (brownies, gingerbread) Drinks Coffee tea lemonade mix electrolyte mix cider mix cocoa Other Mountain House GU fuel trash bags Freshies garlic onion some other stuff probably

That's what we're getting and also how I feel about this whole nightmare.  We're primarily going to be using a NOLS-style ration, with bulk food and no planned meals (the only practical way to handle a 37-day trip), but we're also bringing some freeze-dried meals for the climb itself.  I think we're going to be able to order most of our food from and Emergency Essentials, which is really good because we have very little time in Anchorage.

To give you an idea of how complex this is going to be, we're planning four ration periods, with the ration amount gradually increasing from 2.25 pounds per person per day to 2.45 pounds per person per day.  We then need to multiply by the category multiplier (.35 for breakfast, .37 for dinner, .26 for cheese), etc., and then split up the resulting poundage for each section of each ration period among the different foods so we have variety and such.

Wish us luck, we're going to need it.


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